March 20, 2023

How to Find Square Root | Formula, Examples

Determining the square root of a number is a basic arithmetical operation that has several real-world utilizations. The square root of a number is the value which, when multiplied with itself, offers the initial value. In mathematics, square roots are utilized in numerous fields, for example trigonometry, algebra, geometry, and calculus, to figure out intricate equations, calculate distances, and figure out angles. In physics, square roots are utilized to calculate velocity, acceleration, and force. In finance, square roots are used to work out interest rates and return on investment.

In this blog, we will dwell into the formula for calculating the square root, such as how to find the square root of various numbers, and the consequence of understanding the concept of square roots. By mastering the theories of square roots and understanding its practical applications, individuals can enhance their problem-solving skills and get a detailed understanding of the intricate functions of the world around us.

Why is Finding Square Roots Important?

Determining square roots is an essential arithmetic theory which has numerous real-world uses in various domains. In physics, square roots are used to figure out the acceleration and speed of moving objects, which is required for designing and analyzing mechanical systems.

Engineers further use square roots to determine the measurements of structures and to calculate the forces acting on them. In finance, square roots are applied to calculate interest rates and return on investment, which is critical for making informed financial decisions.

In algebra and calculus, square roots are utilized to solve complex equations and perform sophisticated arithmetical operations. Such as, in algebra, square roots are applied to factor polynomials and work out quadratic equations. In calculus, square roots are applied to calculate limits and derivatives, which are essential for solving complicated problems in physics, engineering, and other domains.

Understanding the concept of square roots is a crucial step in conquering these math concepts and is required to be successful in a lot of fields for example arithmetics, engineering, physics, and finance. By understanding how to find square roots and applying the knowledge to solve problems, people can improve their problem-solving abilities and obtain a detailed understanding of the complicated workings of the world surrounding us.

General Mistakes in Calculating Square Roots

Finding square roots may seem simple, yet it is easy to make errors. One general mistake is ignoring to check if the provided number is a perfect square or not. A perfect square is a number whose square root is an integer, for instance 4, 9, 16, 25, and so on. If the number is not a perfect square, it will have an irrational square root, that cannot be stated as a finite decimal or fraction. Consequently, it is essential to revise whether the given value is a perfect square before aiming to figure out its square root.

Another common mistake is forgetting to streamline the square root whenever feasible. For instance, the square root of 50 can be simplified as the square root of 25 times the square root of 2. Streamline the square root makes the calculation simpler and reduces the possibility of making mistakes.

In addition, rounding errors can occur when working out the square root of a value employing a calculator. It is important to check the outcome by squaring it to make sure that it is accurate.

By being conscious of these general mistakes and taking safeguard to avoid them, people can enhance their precision when calculating square roots and better their problem-solving abilities in numerous fields.

How to Determine Square Root

The formula for determining the square root of a value is as ensuing:

Square Root of n = √n

Where "n" represents the number whose square root is being determined. To calculate the square root of a number, you could utilize a calculator or perform the workings by hand.

For example, to calculate the square root of 25, you will take the square root of 25, that is 5.

√25 = 5

In the same way, to calculate the square root of 81, you should take the square root of 81, that is 9.

√81 = 9

When finding the square root of a decimal number, you can apply the same formula. For instance, to calculate the square root of 2.25, you will take the square root of 2.25, that is 1.5.

√2.25 = 1.5

It is essential to bear in mind that not every numbers posses a perfect square root. In those cases, the square root could be estimated using many methods, such as the bisection approach or Newton's approach.


In conclusion, calculating the square root of a value is an essential arithmetical concept which has several practical applications in several domains, including engineering, physics, and finance. The ability to find square roots is a necessary skill to be successful in many fields of study, for example arithmetic, science, and technology.

By getting a grasp of the formula for calculating square roots and practicing the calculation of square roots of various numbers, people can gain a deeper understanding of the theory and better their problem-solving skills. However, it is important to be aware of general errors which can occur during the working process, for example forgetting to streamline the square root and failing to revise if the offered number is a perfect square.

Whether you need help comprehending how to determine square roots or any other math concept, consider connect with us at Grade Potential Tutoring. Our adept tutors are accessible online or face-to-face to offer personalized and productive tutoring services to help you succeed.

If you need guidance with fundamental mathematics or more advanced mathematical theories, our tutors can provide the help you require to reach your academic goals. Contact us today to plan a tutoring session and take your math skills to the next stage.